A Dynamic Collaboration between Security Social and SIA

Dear Members, 

Security Social and the Security Industry Association (SIA) have forged a powerful partnership to elevate the security community in Phoenix by fostering in-person interactions and enriching discussions around pivotal, member-centric topics. Our collaboration is focused on mutual growth, enriched membership, and the shared vision of redefining and advancing global security standards. Together, we are creating a dynamic hub where professionals can explore innovative ideas, build genuine relationships, and drive the collective aspirations of the security industry to new heights.

Security Social: Fostering Phoenix’s Dynamic Security Hub!

SIA Offers Valuable Certifications and Training

A certification like the SICC from SIA instantly increases your visibility in the security industry both attracting employers and useful recognition. We suggest hearing from a SIA representative to see what you can do in your off time that could increase your income and skill sets.

The form will be received by a SIA rep that is very familiar with Security Social Members and our group.

SIA Security Industry Cybersecurity Certification - Sustaining Partners

Noteworthy Articles About the Security Industry Association (SIA)