Work with Us

Join or Partner with Security Social

At Security Social, we offer unique opportunities for collaboration and partnership, aimed at enhancing the security landscape in the Greater Phoenix area and beyond. We welcome businesses, industry experts, and security professionals to join us in creating a more connected and informed community.

Opportunities for Collaboration

  • Networking and Business Development: Expand your professional network and explore business development opportunities within our exclusive community.
  • Event Sponsorship: Align your brand with ours by sponsoring one of our high-quality events. Benefit from targeted exposure to a dedicated audience of security professionals.
  • Speaker Engagements: Share your expertise with our members by speaking at our events. This is an excellent opportunity to establish thought leadership and connect with key industry players.
  • Workshop Facilitation: Lead a workshop on current and relevant topics in the security field. Our members value practical, hands-on learning experiences.

Why with Us?

We are growing the valley’s security networking scene. This market is large and underserved. Its 2024 soon and people are numb to stereotypical marketing and bored with business as usual events. We are actively working on venues, themes and content that is relevant to our industry and are segmenting these to appeal for each genere of security professions. We do not spam people. We do not sell their information. We communicate with them in ways that improve their careers. These are typically in 3 areas: #1 connecting them with people that help their career goals; #2 present them with solutions that will make their jobs easier and thereby making them even more valuable in their current position; and #3 Gaining insight from open discussions about problem solutions with peers in other industries with simular issues.

Get in Touch

If you’re interested in exploring partnership opportunities or want to learn more about how we can work together, please contact us at [contact details]. We look forward to collaborating with you and building a stronger security community.